This was the scenery around 6.26pm.
This was taken on 7.06pm>>>>
Notice the smoke come out from the roof??
This was how my room looked like>>>
I don't know why they put this cement thingy function, i pressed everything on it....
Guess where is here?
Restroom sign.........great imagination.........great design..........
Respect their innovative and creative!!!
Decorations at the lobby........
Japanese restaurant......
Table lamp at the lobby.........
Statue there.....
My third sis with big, heavy, old-style limited edition london clock.....
I like this signboard.......
Even the carpet there also horse-themed
This is the ceiling.....
Their floor.....
Statue at the front door....
i wish i can sit on it and take pic, but on the horse back there is a message......."don't sit on it" =.=
Big heavy main door......but it is not functioning........
Rolls Royce!!!!!!!!! Rolls Royce and me!!!!!!!!!
I remember i read a magazine and the magazine mentioned this palm. I forgot what does it mean....but i think it is very expensive.......
Corridor there.......
Cafe there.......just like circus.......
Guess what is this again.........
Table lamp........
She forced me to take the pic
The backyard of palace of golden horses.........
Pub there...........^.^
Notice the drawing behind?? It has great value inside........
This is where the drawing originated......
More statue.........
My room number...........
My door............
The end!!! Thanks for sharing your time :)
oiiii...babe y u go holiday wif ur sis dint call me....sobs T.T
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