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In Taylors, u pay rm22k for self-revision

This is my class. What all the lecturers describe as double maths class......creme de la creme of A-level....craps........

Yet, there are some proofs showing that our class actually very hardworking. We always attend our class. Rarely got students play truancy. All the homework is done. Few of people sleeping in the class (except a smart Korean guy :P) And we pay full attention in the class.

Although our students have positive attitude, but it seems as the lecturers themselves have the problems. I can't count the amount of classes the lecturers have skipped. There is no replacement class and even have, it is done in fast and meaningless manner.

Why the students have 180 degree changes of attitude? I think mainly this is because we paid RM22k for the lessons (although i am not paying, but sometimes i feel it is unfair for the students and unright for the college management and the lecturers him/herself)

Our class students were studying although there was no lecturer in the class. Note that neither one of the students was playing in the class, busy texting nor chit-chatting.

And yet, the lecturer was not there to teach us. Taylors is good? Ya, there is great amount of good lecturer but when they are not keen in teaching, how are we going to learn?

RM22k for these types of lessons.........huh!!!!..........