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I will be back

What's the feeling when u sign into yr blogger account and found out someone is cursing u rather than consoling u or concerning you when u r not around???

I cant piss it off, that f*** word is almost come out from my mouth(u can ask my sis if u dont believe mr kp will utter tat word). Haha, but wat can i do when i realise the guy certifying me dead is ridiculousting. HAHA

I really dont have any new topic to write these days. So, very sorry to all the bloggers that purposely free out some precious time to visit my blog. Very sorry. I will notice u all when i have any new idea. Jz watch out yr C-box or take a look whether there is a name boonhwee commenting yr blog.

Very sorry, my fren. My mind is bit "dry" these days

*p/s: i purposely write out ridiculousting, this name......