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Che Det

Today i wake up at 1pm. Haha, don't say i am crazy. Yesterday night i stay alert until 6am in the morning. Actually i just slept 7 hours. So, i am a normal guy.

I found it very boring today. So i surf here surf there. And finally i found out this. A website specially, purposely, meaningfully designed by our country greatest leader of all time, Tun Dr. Mahathir. I have read his blog, it is full of political colour. Full of criticism, nepotism, cronyism, skepticism......i can easily find out who is his allies and who isn't. You want to post a comment there? No problem. But they filter it first. What a great thinker he is. Awesome!

Anyone that is concern about our country latest political drama should know that this goofy..oops, should be strategist has started his latest gambit to topple Prime Minister and his administration. So, how is the story continue to be unfolded? Haha, i also have no idea.

Who want to improve his/her skill of criticising can read his blog. I have linked his blog. Anyone interested can drop by and learn his ultimate skill of criticising.