I can online now. Ya, it should be a good news. But, i don't happy and proud of it. Reasons? Because i am using Jaring now. A very slow internet provider.
I am using Jaring now. Actually one year ago, i also using the same provider. But, for now, i can't stand its slowness. I can't and hard to understand how i endure these few years ago. It is slow, not productive at all and the worst thing is I have to wait minutes just to open a website (it takes more than the time u cook maggi or take bath if u try to download something....)
I found something interesting. I did this experiment sometime ago. While i was waiting a website to be uploaded, i can did all my business in the toilet. Hmm, actually i was quite upset because i was trying my best to finish all the things in the shortest time but when i stepped in my room, the screen still all blank, the feeling like from heaven dropped to the earth (try to imagine u managed to clear all the stuff in your stomach after days of constipation)
Maybe i used to online using faster provider. After experience the speed of Jaring, Streamyx and recently wireless (thanks to Casa Subang Management :D), what i can say is
I really can't stand the speed of Jaring!!!
How long i have to suffer this? Everytime i online, i have to think carefully. Which website i should surf first? Which website use the shortest time to upload? Haha, i think i should go Starbucks or Mcdonalds and steal the line there. Ya, there's a good suggestion!! Haha!!
Don't be surprised if anyone of u see me stay at McD or Starbucks from 12pm to 10pm (from 12pm because i can't wake up early :P)
Haiz, speechless, so slow, haiz........