Woohoo!!! This is the first picture i taken with almost all the petronas scholars. There should be 17 scholars, but in the pic only have 14...............coz 2 are holding the camera and one more maybe sedang pang sai..............
The first picture is very funny........look at which direction we were looking.............lol..............this pic makes me laugh!!!! XD
Look like the people holding the camera has very great influence.........hmmm................
Ok, this is the perfect 1------almost perfect, just less 3 pals :(
Who is going to south africa with me??? the pink colour shirt (aka me), the one that digging his ear, the taiko wearing black colour suit in the second row (sitting at most right side) and the malay guy standing beside beside him.........yes, he is malay..............
Don't know why, i like this picture a lot........everyone is smiling naturally!!!!
i will treasure it..................may our friendship lasts long!!!!!!
I AM........
- Emo post
- Stupiak but funny video
- PETRONAS Scholars
- 梁文音【最幸福的事】完整版 MV
- Judgement Day
- IELTS=Irritating english lesson to scholars
- OMG!!!
- Steven Gerrard at Casa Subang 17th floor!!!!!!
- 聽說有一伙人在四處打聽你還說逮住你不會輕饒你他們一個叫財神一個叫順利領頭的叫幸福!我問過煩惱了它根本不愛你
- Happy Chap Goh Mei!!!!!
- Second semester, 1 more year to South Africa
- Adeline
- Anthony
- Bentley
- Boon Mean
- Calvin Yong
- Caroline Tsau
- Chee Hong
- Chee Yuen
- Chi Haw
- Hui Chien
- Hui Fern
- Hui Ling
- Hui Sen
- Ji Yan
- Jin Jin
- Jin Jo
- Jyo Lyn
- Karlisyle
- Kerryn
- Kuok Shawn
- Le-June
- Liang Siang
- Matilda
- Mei Hui
- Pao Suen
- Shwu Teng
- Siao Chien
- Simon Goh
- Sin Ying
- Soon Keat
- Su Jean
- Susan
- Yew Hoong
- Yong Qian
- Zhai Zhai
- Zhi Heng
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